I'm sorry Maher Zain,it doesn't represent the behavior of all muslim girl
or women in Malaysia
pic from MZ fb
Truly sorry,may be they were over excited to see u live
Hope they excited or love your beautiful and meaningful songs like i do
Ini la jadinya jika minat orangnya instead of really into the lyrics and the message
Pia sempat tengok interview MZ kat MHI,pihak penganjur cakap MZ datang
ke Malaysia untuk kebaikkan ,not this (T_T)
hu..knp sampai gituan sihhh..adoiii...
ptt kita yg sopan2 ni pegi.haihh
maher zain tak salah... perempuan yang terjerit2 tu yang salah. hu
Lovely Pia-tahu xape,nak kena lempang laju2 budak tu hak2.
Lovely Dini-btl,diluar kawalan.harap dijadikan iktibar
naseb baek tak pi, so tak terasa.... =)
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